IFWTWA Hospitality Education Scholarship Award

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association™ offers a $500, Hospitality Education Scholarship Award. It will be given to a deserving student in the hospitality, culinary, tourism or viticulture-enology fields.

We look to further a student’s education in the industry and give our members the assurance that 100 percent of their contributions go directly toward the educational expenses of the awardee and not toward any administrative costs.

IFWTWA members are encouraged to nominate a school by clicking on the link below. The $500 scholarship is given to a hospitality, culinary, tourism or viticulture-enology fields school. The school chooses the student recipient. If possible, an IFWTWA representative attends the award ceremony.

Submit your recommendations.

IFWTWA members can and do make a difference in hospitality careers. We further a student’s education in the industry and give our members the assurance that 100 percent of their contributions go directly toward the educational expenses of the awardee and not toward any administrative costs.