IFWTWA Media Trip
Cayuga and Seneca Lake
September 5-8, 2024
Located in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State, Cayuga, and Seneca Counties makeup so much more than just a gorgeous destination. Longtime hotbeds of activity in the abolitionist,
suffragist, and civil rights movements, these two counties are home to some of our country’s greatest equal rights history. In Cayuga County, visitors can take a walk-through Harriet Tubman’s chosen hometown, visit the property where she spent the final 50+
years of her life, and learn about other changemakers from the area. In Seneca County, visitors can continue to learn the stories of our nation’s most influential women at the site of the nation’s first women’s rights convention and at the Women’s Rights National
Historical Park. of course, these counties are still in the Finger Lakes, so there are also plentiful opportunities not only to explore the region’s scenic beauty but also to delight in our award-winning wines, innovative craft beverages, and farm-to-table
dining options.